The Spectrum Homepage

When you first log in to Spectrum, you will see the Homepage.

Click the image below for a brief overview of the user interface.

The Navbar

The navigation ribbon is the same throughout Spectrum, and initially contains three major components: Home, Select, and Results.

Once a project is opened, it will be available through the navigation ribbon.

Clicking on the navigation ribbon takes you between the main screens of Spectrum, and indicates which is currently open.

Each screen is dedicated to a different stage of the Spectrum workflow.

See Understanding the Workspaces for more information.

Support Buttons

Click the Help icon to open the online help.

Clicking the Support icon to report any issues or bugs encountered.

You can also contact the support team by email or phone for more immediate assistance.

See Additional Support and Feedback for more information.

User Preferences

The User Preferences icon can be clicked from anywhere in Spectrum to modify your user preferences.

See Setting User Preferences for more information.

The Homepage tabs

Projects Tab

The Projects tab provides access to the ten most recently opened or modified projects.

Each project tab gives a brief summation of all relevant project information.

Click Open on any project card to open the project.

Longer term projects that may need to be frequently revisited may be pinned to the homepage for easy access.

See Pinning Projects for more information.

Customers Tab

The Customers tab displays the ten most recently created, used, or modified customers.

Each customer tab displays the four most recent projects and quotes associated with that customer.

About Tab

Provides basic information about the currently installed version of Spectrum, and the ability to check for updates.

The Search Bar

Using the search bar, users can search for projects and customers associated with their default company.

If you have access to multiple rep companies, you can change default company through user preferences.

See Setting User Preferences for more information.

Pinned Projects

Projects may be pinned to the homepage for ease of access; this is highly recommended for long term projects that will be revisited either frequently or between long intervals.

Click on any pinned project card to open that project.

See Pinning Projects for more information.

Product Icons

Clicking on any of the product group icons will display the available methods of selection, clicking on a method will open the Selection Screen with that product group and method selected.

See The Selection Screen for more information.

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